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Top Data Science Trends 2024

November 15, 2023

Top Data Science Trends 2024

Data Science technology has helped a huge number of businesses to catch up with the latest trends and meet customer’s preferences. With the help of data science, organizations have managed to increase their productivity by simultaneously enhancing their customer experiences as well. In 2024, the data science industry will continue to do so.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for data science professionals is expected to grow by 11.5 million by 2026. Organizations will need certified and skilled data scientists to perform several core data science jobs such as:

  • Data Exploration
  • Data Modelling
  • Model Testing
  • Model Deployment

For these, they have to use various kinds of data science tools including Rapidminer, apache Hadoop, DataRobot, Matlab, Knime, tableau, etc. These are only some of the many popular data science tools available in the market that are used to perform data analysis, data visualization, etc.

If you found this information interesting, then you must check out the USDSI’s latest infographic on 2024 Top Data Science Trends. Learn about the facts and figures related to data science that will help you plan your data science career in 2024 clearly. Get to know about different types of data used, the most popular data science tools, what will be the most used applications of data science in 2024, which data science job profiles will offer the most career opportunities in this field and other exciting information.

Get access to Top Data Science Trends and unlock your data science career path.

Top Data Science Trends 2024

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